Since a kid, lego's were always a good time. Today, still going strong, lego's are a craze kiddo's are still excited over. Being an avid pinner on Pinterest, I came across this artist last month who creates these small lego installations within cracks, minor breaks in walls and buildings, and goes around to different places uses lego's as a repairing mechanism. There is some cool info out there on him, and I am eager to bring an introduction of his work into the classroom!
Another cool Lego Artist is Nathan Sawaya, here is a link to his website--
Here is a link that has some cool street artists work from around the globe. Some might be inspirational in your own classrooms!
Lego Art Video-|-season-two/offbook-s2e6-lego-art/

This is a fun way to keep your students entertained, when I was still getting my undergrad, my professor would give us each a bucket at our table to play with towards the end of class and she told us how it could be a great brain breaking tool and a good center or activity to give the kids when they are finished with their work. I will be on the look out to purchase some of these soon!