This years 2015-2016 District Art Show was a blast! I can't believe we have only 26 days of school left! My has the time flown by. This show you see consists of one High School, One Middle School and Three Elementary School student work. Just to give you an idea, each elementary school has about 600+ students. This show does not have one of every student's piece in it, this show is to showcase some of the most talented kiddos. At our elementary schools we each have a curriculum fair. This is a night where all subjects are showcased and this is our elementary school art show night. So yes, we have two art shows, it is a lot of work but it is worth it! It is so cool to see some of my students grow and show off their talents in high school and it is awesome for families and students to come out and see the progression of the arts from K-12. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what your shows look like.

This year as teachers we put our own work in the show to showcase at the back of the gymnasium. Every year our students have kept asking to see our work so as a department, that is just what we did this year!

My colleague did these AMAZING taped 3-D people with her 6th grade students. Aren't they so fun!! They are hung from the ceiling with fishing line and binder clips. Great to look invisible.

This years 2015-2016 District Art Show was a blast! I can't believe we have only 26 days of school left! My has the time flown by. This show you see consists of one High School, One Middle School and Three Elementary School student work. Just to give you an idea, each elementary school has about 600+ students. This show does not have one of every student's piece in it, this show is to showcase some of the most talented kiddos. At our elementary schools we each have a curriculum fair. This is a night where all subjects are showcased and this is our elementary school art show night. So yes, we have two art shows, it is a lot of work but it is worth it! It is so cool to see some of my students grow and show off their talents in high school and it is awesome for families and students to come out and see the progression of the arts from K-12. Enjoy! I can't wait to see what your shows look like.

One of my proud 5th grade students showing off her clay Mexican Metepec Sun!

Check out these AMAZING clay dishes made by my colleague from the other elementary school. They are clay and were painted with tempera paints. They were then sprayed with
Modge Podge. SUPER AWESOME!!!!!!